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Quick Start Grill

$96.75 $129

Quick Start Grill uniformly self-ignites charcoal in six minutes without the use of lighter fluid, gas, or any other flammable material.

Charcoal briquettes ignite at 660 degrees Fahrenheit. The Quick Start Grill heating element reaches its highest temperature (around 950 degrees Fahrenheit) in 3- 4 minutes. This allows the charcoal to ignite faster, and the predetermined configuration of the element starts the charcoal uniformly. Our product is special because the heating element in the grill lights charcoal for you automatically in 6 minutes.

-Product Dimensions/Weight/Weight Capacity- 5x11x17 10lbs
-Product Material/Ingredients/Construction
- Grill Body: Carbon steel, wooden handles, steel legs; Cooking grid: Stainless steel; Heating element: Incoloy 800; Charcoal grate: Carbon steel
-Power Source: Wall plug
-2 Year Warranty

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