R1 Coffee Roaster
By Osaki
$599 $999
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With electric heating, you can roast coffee at home while maintaining professional flavor. Built-in profiles had been tested for many time to meet your fond. It is recommended to roast with 100g of green bean and you can choose with either light/medium or dark roast.

Advanced user are free to play in the manual mode, which, they can easily adjust the key parameters of roasting beans: firepower/fan and drum RPM, or even the setting for 1st crack or 2nd crack.

Electric heating to preserve the best aroma and flavor
Drum rotate in 30 RPM provides heating evenly
Fun to roast with built-in profiles or create your own

There are more other than roasting your coffee!
Sharing your profile with your friends
Coffee library provides you all the necessary knowledge
Online forum for master and newbie and more to come

Direct Fire to Bring Multilevel Aroma
Electric Direct fire roasting transferring heat directly to the raw beans allows them to get heated evenly from the inside out. It’s strong and keeps multilevel aroma.

High Efficiency & Different Roast Levels
Light/Med/Dark flexible to choose and get 100g to 150g only need about 10 to 16 minutes, also support continuous back to back roasting.

Quiet & Easy to Clean
Low noise <70dB. Low smoke emission. Easy to clean with the drawer in the roaster which can easily collect parchment and chaff following each roast.

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