Palm NRG Digital Pulse Massager 3 AB-Belt Combo Set
By LuminaNRG
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Digital Pulse Massager 3 AB - Belt Combo Set offers a battery-operated muscle stimulation system that helps relieve minor muscle aches and pains. This pocket-sized pain fighter features multiple settings and modes, a compact design, and a rechargeable internal lithium battery. The unit also features a brightly lit LCD screen for easy reading. The different massage modes and soothing haiku mode stimulate tense and sore muscles by sending pulses through the included electrode wires and adhesive pads. The massager's AB feature also allows for ultimate control--each of the 2 output channels can be on different intensity level settings at the same time. This device also includes the massage belt. Simply Strap the belt on over your abs and connect the electrodes to electronically stimulate the core muscles. With regular use, the PCH ab belt will tone upper abs, lower abs, and oblique, as well as reduce the appearance of stomach fat and love handles.

Content: one Digital Pulse Massager, massage belt, 3 XL size adhesive pads , 4 large 2.5" single-sided adhesive electrode pads, electrode wires, USB cable, AC adapter, instruction manual, and rechargeable internal lithium battery
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